CCG Trader
Game Manager role now available. Find out more...


Game Managers wanted


Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the good support from the community and continuing to send feedback.

It's been a while since the last update, but I've had some time off work to add the ability for community members to help update games and improve the site. What this means is that we're now looking for Game Managers who will have the ability to update game text, add missing card images, and more.

For out-of-print games someone who can source high quality scans and has deep knowledge of the game would be appreciated, perhaps a key member or representative of an active community.

For in-print games there may be more work involved in adding new cards & images, depending on how often new sets are released. Ideally I'd like to automate the work of adding new cards as they're announced, but this would require development work. So ones with development skills (Javascript, API integration, etc.) are encouraged to apply.

Giving credit to those involved, and supporting active communities and unofficial websites, is important to me. So promoting and linking to these will be included in the Game Manager role.

If you'd like to be involved please apply using one or more of these forms:

As a reminder, we're funded by the community and it's your contributions that keep the site running. To track this project and contribute head over to the CCG Trader Collective page that is kindly hosted by Open Collective.

Thanks for your support!

Paul van der Westhuizen
Web developer
Westhouse IT

Becoming a community project


Hi everyone.

CCG Trader lost it's major financial backer over a year ago and I've been unsure about whether to keep it running or just shut it down. So I think it's a good idea to get the community involved and see what you think about the value of the site.

The cost of keeping the site running is currently quite low, but there are a number of areas that need fixes or improvements. Some monetary support will help, so please contribute if you can. But, we also need help to maintain the card database, and improve the design & code.

In return I promise to be transparent about all incoming and outgoing money, and keep the site a community-driven not-for-profit project. Hopefully at some point we can solidify everything under some sort of Foundation structure.

To track this project and contribute head over to the CCG Trader Collective page that is kindly hosted by the Open Collective.

Thanks for your support!

Paul van der Westhuizen
Web developer

The loss of Jeff Greening


The primary founder of CCG Trader, Jeff Greening, died unexpectedly on June 2nd, 2022 leaving behind his wife Daniela and two children. In spite of this tragic loss Daniela will continue to support this site and has plans to develop new features.

The site is growing well so far and last month we reached a new peak of 5.4k people using the site.

Eight sales, across three countries, have completed so far and all have received 5-star ratings. We hope you're also able to benefit from the Marketplace. We're getting directly in touch with some larger sellers to help them bulk-load their cards onto the site, but please get in touch if you're looking to sell and have any questions or need assistance.